Friday, December 14, 2012

Post-election game score: Repugnicants 5, Obama 0!!

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Yesterday the Repugnicants scored 3 points by getting to Susan Rice to withdraw her name as the nominee for Secretary of State.  

President Obama, who you will no doubt remember famously forgot to grow a par of balls during the opening days of his first term, has returned to form.  

Now, four years lateer, after mouthing off, big-time tough, about how he was going to stand up to that idiot McCain for attacking Susan Rice, Obama caved in and allowed her to withdraw her name from consideration as Secretary of State to replace Hilary Clinton.  Over Benghazi no less for reporting in television interviews the information given to her through the administration from intelligence agencies.  And she was only sitting in on those news and opinion programs for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, because Clinton was ill. 

The Repugnicants scored one point for getting Rice to withdraw, got another point because they beat down a woman, and still another point because she is African-American, thus killing three birds with one stone--win a victory over a Democrat, put a woman in her "place" and attack a minority.  They bitch-slapped the President and they bitch-slapped a "not very intelligent (the idiot McCain's words)" woman of color.

On top of that, for stalemating Obama on the fiscal cliff for a month now, they have already picked up 2 more points for a total of 5.

Way to show them how you can drive to the basket, Mr. President. Way to show the country how you have pissed away your "mandate" in just over a month!

I voted for you, supported you as much as I could, and I am disgusted. By not digging in on Susan Rice, you took the easy way out instead of putting their dumb asses on the ground. The Repugnicants treat you like a rented mule.

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