Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Father of Stephen Feinberg, The Founder and CEO of Cerberus Group, Who Owns The Gun Company Whose Weapon of Mass Destruction Killed The Children and Adults at Sandy Hook, Lives in Newtown, CT

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Ironically, the father of Stephen Feinberg, the founder and CEO of Cerberus, a hedge fund and private-equity firm (a la Mitt Romney) that owns the gun manufacturer whose rifle killed all those children and faculty at Sandy Hook Elementary School, lives in Newtown, CT.   Stephen Feinberg NOW says Cerberus will sell Freedom Group, Inc., whose rifle killed those twenty little children and six adults at Sandy Hook in Newtown.

Bloomberg:  "The founder and chief executive of Cerberus Capital Management LP, the hedge fund and private- equity firm that said it will sell gun maker Freedom Group Inc., has family ties to the town where a Freedom Group-manufactured rifle was used to kill 26 people.

Stephen Feinberg’s father, Martin Feinberg, confirmed the family relation in an interview at his house in Newtown, Connecticut, today. He said the shooting was “devastating.”

We hope all those pension funds who have this Cerberus stock enjoy their blood money retirement!

Cerberus to Sell Gunmaker Freedom After School Massacre

Cerberus Founder Feinberg’s Father Is Resident of Newtown

Cerberus in Greek and Roman mythology, is a multi-headed hound (usually three-headed) which guards the gates of the Underworld, to prevent those who have crossed the river Styx from ever escaping. - - Wikipedia

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Michigan Repugnicant Legislature Seeks Dictatorial Rule and Brandon Dillon, A Brave Outspoken Legislator Speaks Out Passionately Against It

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Brandon Dillon, a Michigan legislator, deserves a medal for calling a spade a spade and passionately denouncing the LTSS (Lower Than Snake Shit) Repugnicants jamming through without debate and blocking the public from attending the session.
Make no mistake, these guys want an oligarchical dictatorship and that is what they will go for if they see their chance.

In Michigan, the Republican-controlled legislature succeeded in passing a new "right-to-work" law, which weakens unions' ability to negotiate and has serious negative implications for all workers in the state. They had no public meetings, no debate, no time for review, and had Republican staffers sit in seats in the gallery to block citizens from even being in the room to hear about it.

Post-election game score: Repugnicants 5, Obama 0!!

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Yesterday the Repugnicants scored 3 points by getting to Susan Rice to withdraw her name as the nominee for Secretary of State.  

President Obama, who you will no doubt remember famously forgot to grow a par of balls during the opening days of his first term, has returned to form.  

Now, four years lateer, after mouthing off, big-time tough, about how he was going to stand up to that idiot McCain for attacking Susan Rice, Obama caved in and allowed her to withdraw her name from consideration as Secretary of State to replace Hilary Clinton.  Over Benghazi no less for reporting in television interviews the information given to her through the administration from intelligence agencies.  And she was only sitting in on those news and opinion programs for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, because Clinton was ill. 

The Repugnicants scored one point for getting Rice to withdraw, got another point because they beat down a woman, and still another point because she is African-American, thus killing three birds with one stone--win a victory over a Democrat, put a woman in her "place" and attack a minority.  They bitch-slapped the President and they bitch-slapped a "not very intelligent (the idiot McCain's words)" woman of color.

On top of that, for stalemating Obama on the fiscal cliff for a month now, they have already picked up 2 more points for a total of 5.

Way to show them how you can drive to the basket, Mr. President. Way to show the country how you have pissed away your "mandate" in just over a month!

I voted for you, supported you as much as I could, and I am disgusted. By not digging in on Susan Rice, you took the easy way out instead of putting their dumb asses on the ground. The Repugnicants treat you like a rented mule.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Men! You always want more, even when you're skinning the poor by tearing down a block of old houses to make nice new ones." - - Fortunata y Jacinta, Benito Pérez Galdós

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Cover: Detail from Chica in a Bar (1892) by Ramón Casas, 
in El Museo de la Abadía, Montserrat (Photo: The Bridgeman Art Library)

“. . . Since you tear things down, do you have any rubble, yes or no?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do. . .and some magnificent flint (slate).  Sixty reales (a unit of Spanish money) the cartful, all you want.  The rubble is eight reales a--Oh, I'm so stupid!  Now I know what it's all about.  The great saint (philantropist Guillermina Pacheco) is bamboozling you with stories about the orphanage she's going to build. . .You've got to be careful with her tricks, very careful.  Before she's laid a stone she'll have us all in the poorhouse."

"Shhh!  We all know how stingy you are.  I'm not asking your for anything anyway, you old miser.  You can have your carts of flint (slate).  They'll put them on the scales with you when the final accounting starts; you know, when the trumpets start to play.  Oh yes, and then when you see how much your stinginess weighs on the scales, you'll say, "Lord, take away these cartloads of stone and rubble that are plunging me into Hell,' and we'll all say, 'Oh no. Pile it on, because he's very wicked.'"

"All I have to do is put the money you've squeezed out of me on the other side of the scales and I'm saved," Moreno laughed, patting her face. 

"Don't humor me, my dear nephew. That won't get you anywhere, you big cheat, swindler, miser!"  Guillermina was smiling, and her tone was benevolent.  "Men!  You always want more, even when you're skinning the poor by tearing down a block of old houses to make nice new ones." - - Guillermina Pacheco in Fortunata y Jacinta, Benito Pérez Galdós's incredible novel of life and social commentary in 19th Century Spain, centered in Madrid.  The Penguin Books translation by Agnes Moncy Gullón is exceptional.

Friday, January 6, 2012

HALLELUJAH CORPORATIONS (Corporations are People!)

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The Rumors About Bill Clinton Are True (Positive Rumors; Bill Clinton on the Occupy Wall Street Movement - - Forbes.com

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From The Rumors About Bill Clinton Are True a not very well-written and poorly titled, but nevertheless enlightening article on forbes.com.


"I asked, “What do you think about the Occupy Wall Street movement, personally, and what do you think it says about America?”

He looked at me and with as much sincerity as I’ve ever encountered, he said, “I’m glad you asked me that, that’s a great question.” 

Rumor number two was confirmed, this man is sincere.

Rumor number three took several minutes to confirm.

That’s because even though the Honorable Mr. Clinton didn’t know who I was, he would hold up a long line of well-wishers to address, with passion, his vision of America through the eyes of the public, which is the way he likes to see his country.

“I think what they’re doing is great,” he said. “Occupy Wall Street has done more in the short time they’ve been out there than I’ve been able to do in more than the last eleven years trying to draw attention to some of the same problems we have to address,” he said.

Without once looking around, but completely engaging me, the statesman continued. “There are a lot of young people out there, I see a lot of unemployed students and they are upset, he said. They don’t know where the jobs and opportunities are for them, and they are worried about how they’re going to pay off their student loans without going broke.”

But I learned instantly that Bill Clinton doesn’t just acknowledge problems he has solutions at the ready. He went on to say that student loan reforms were absolutely necessary and that limiting annual loan payments to small percentages of income made sense to not impoverish students as they struggle up the ladder in pursuit of the American Dream.

I asked if the Occupy Wall Street movement should have a platform. I was getting into another area he is passionate about, delivering messages on point. “Yes,” he said, “But it doesn’t have to be a platform; it doesn’t have to be twenty pages. They should start with three or four points to generate a political movement to get heard more clearly.”"

The Secret That Mitt Romney Doesn't Want You To Know


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Link to the video on Mitt Romney and "job creation."