Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fox News Viewers Know Less Than People Who Don't Watch Any News: Study - - Huffington Post

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This isn't the first study that has found that Fox News viewers more misinformed in comparison to others. Last year, a study from the University of Maryland found that Fox News viewers were more likely to believe false information about politics.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Get This: Gary gets it. There are 50 Million Admitted Cannabis Users in the United States

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Check this out!

A virtual impossibility, number one, a sensible Republican.

Republican Presidential Candidate, 
former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson
favors legalizing pot!!

Newt Gingrich On Occupy Wall Street: Protesters Should 'Get A Job' And 'Take A Bath' (VIDEO) - Huffington Post Article

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Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich mocked the Occupy Wall Street protesters on Saturday, saying they need to "get a job" and "take a bath."

"All the Occupy movement starts with the premise that we all owe them everything," Gingrich said at the Thanksgiving Family Forum in Iowa, as noted by Igor Volsky at ThinkProgress. "They take over a public park they didn't pay for, to go nearby to use bathrooms they didn't pay for, to beg for food from places they don't want to pay for, to obstruct those who are going to work to pay the taxes to sustain the bathrooms and to sustain the park, so they can self-righteously explain they are the paragons of virtue to which we owe everything."

Click here to see this disgraceful video of Newt Gingrich, who we hope took a bath after he told his ex-wife, who was in the hospital in her sickbed with cancer, that he was divorcing her.  What a shameless slug this guy is.   

"Mark Twain had the notion that there is no distinctly criminal class in America outside the U.S. Congress," Jim Harrison, The Raw and The Cooked

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"Mark Twain had the notion that there is no distinctly criminal class in America outside the U.S. Congress. We may add the executive branch. There is currently a dimension of cynicism in Washington that sends even Hollywood scampering to the puke trough." - - (written in 1992), Jim Harrison, The Raw and The Cooked

Los Indignados Rally in Madrid in The Paseo del Prado, Plaza de Cibeles, Puerta del Sol, Etc., Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011

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"Anonymous" mask--inspired by Guy Fawkes and made famous in the movie "V for Vendetta"--at los Indignados rally in Madrid Saturday, Oct. 15, that closed off all the streets from La Puerta del Sol to Cibeles, most of the Paseo del Prado to Atocha and the lower portion of La Castellana. 
Photo by Gerry Dawes©2011 /

(Slide show of Los Indignados protest in the Paseo del Prado and Plaza de Cibeles.)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Demonstrations in La Puerta del Sol, Madrid, June 28, 2011

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Sign: "Piss on the unconstitutional agreement, democracy yes, dictatorship, no." 
Los Indignados demonstration in La Puerta del Sol, Madrid, June 28, 2011.
Photograph by Gerry Dawes©2011. Contact

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Barcelona Plaza Catalunya Indignats 6-4-2011

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The 800 lb. gorilla--the indignats in the Plaza de Catalunya in Barcelona--in the political room. A large car manufacturer's massive poster look down on the Plaza de Catalunya and a statue drapped with flags and political protest signs and wearing the mask of Anonymous, the brigade of cybernauts who are part of the resistance to politicians, bankers and huge mulitnational companies and who have been attacking the websites of major corporations, disrupting their operations.  Photograph by Gerry Dawes©2011. Contact